Subtle jewel tones, shimmering golden hues and leaping script make this series feel magical

Through isolation I have rediscovered a sense of harmony and magic in slow living and a deep love and appreciation for moments of joy in life around me. I have found a beautiful stillness and strength in looking inwards when outside looks so uncertain. And pleasure in the outside world close to home.

There is enchantment in a slower breath; magic in the soft light streaming through the windows; sweet pleasure in listening to the birds or watching the garden burst into Spring life with the promise of renewal.

With soft cloudy layers in a host of gentle rainbow colours these paintings embody the spirit of the magic that exists in life when we have time to cherish those moments.

The deep purples and shimmering golds align with a deep sense of spirit. The pinks whisper softly of enveloping love whilst the yellows suggest the sweetness of hope in the ‘aliveness’ surrounding us.

These paintings wish to render you spellbound , even if just for a few moments, to help you absorb their magic and recenter your spirit.

They offer a space in your home where time stands still so you can truly delight in life’s mysteries and magic, hear your inner quiet and become reinspired with life.

Like spiritual glitter floating across the page, this series invites you to absorb the beauty that surrounds you and feel your inner magic bubbling to the surface effeverscing across your skin and rising with positivity and healing, captivating those around you with its radiating love

Bring a sense of harmony and magic into your home